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Put a Toy Capsule Vending Machine in Your Doctor’s Office!

Mar 22, 2015

SuperPro 2 Toy Vending Machine

SuperPro 2 Toy Vending Machine – Click Here to Buy!

Paging ALL Doctors’ Offices

You have just finished your visit with your smaller patients and its now time for the treasure chest. The kids love it and your nurses are over it. Right? We have a solution at

You can own your own 2” capsule toy machine.  These great machines can take the place of the treasure box. You can put whatever toys or bouncy balls you would like your young patients to have and give them either a token or a quarter for the machine. They will look forward to coming to the office and going to the vending machine and your office staff will love the idea of the line for prizes forming down the hall instead of their desk.

We have machines for whatever budget or styles you are looking for as well as we are experts in the field of what toys are the most popular. Give our office a call and let our knowledgeable staff help you find the right fit for you.