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Emoji Gumballs Now at!

May 16, 2017

Emoji Gumballs - Click Here to Buy!

Emoji Gumballs – Click Here to Buy!

Emoji’s have made a big impact in the smart phone world, and it seems as though nobody can send a text message without adding a cute little character. Kids and teens will love our new line of 1 inch Emoji Gumballs. This mix features the crying emoji, sunglasses emoji, heart eyes emoji, and more! They are fully color printed, giving a bright and cheerful look. You can order them in 1 pound bags or a case of 12 pounds. We also have our Emoji Gumball Machine with Emoji Gumballs, if you’re looking for a fun and unique birthday gift. The bank stands at 8.5 inches tall and comes with a sample of the 1 inch emoji gumballs. Be sure to check out our full line of Emoji products!